Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Signing Day, the Circus it is

I enjoy signing day as the average person does--not really.

The only thing that signing day signals for me is that spring camps are set to open in a few months and I can't wait for college football to start going again.

But I never understood the fascination with college football's signing day. It's the only college sport where the signing day is treated as if it's the be-all, end-all to how a program will do in the next four years.

It's all about how many five- and four-star recruits a team is able to sign and whether or not those high school kids really deserve all that glory being promised to them.

The whole college football recruiting process is one where you see grown men (cue in Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy), get down on their knees and praise and promise and grovel in front of boys. It's degrading in both ways.

And I for one would support moving signing day earlier in the year. We need no more grandstanding from a bunch of kids with a god-complex who make grown men act like high school freshmen.

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