Monday, February 2, 2009

Phelps Caught Blazin': World Takes Notice

Really, I don't care whether or not Michael Phelps smokes weed or not.

It's one of those things where if I don't know about it, I don't care. He got caught, so the world cares. It's not like Phelps is an awful person. Barack Obama did say that he "experimented" when he was younger.

It's just another example of athletes being held up to higher standards in our society--even higher than other celebrities. Why? I guess it has to do with the whole role model thing.

Kids look up to athletes. Period. They really are the first kind of celebrity that we all know. I knew Tony Gwynn's name before I knew any actor, actress or musician. Add to the fact a child's propensity to mimic what they see and bam, you get a recipe of apologetic athlete after apologetic athlete.

So Phelps got caught. He apologized. He probably won't lose any money. He handled the situation as best he could, and he won't be as scarred for it.

But this is preposterous. Apparently the Richland County sheriff is pondering whether or not to press charges against Phelps.

Really? The sherrif has nothing else to do but press charges against someone who was apparently photographed smoking weed months ago? There are no others problems in Richland County? Really?

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