Friday, July 25, 2008

Welcome to the Big Show

And yes, of course I'm trying to elicit the images of the mid-1990s when Keith Olbermann and Dan Patrick ruled the SportsCenter universe. If you (and many people of my generation at least) do not remember the best-ever SC tandem in history, then you probably don't remember where "Welcome to the Big Show" comes from. So here's the story.

Olbermann used to open their nightly sports-newscast with that statement, "Welcome to the Big Show." However, ESPN producers found it, and I'm putting this bluntly, offensive towards the other SportsCenter crews. So, Patrick and Olbermann began opening SportsCenter with a sarcastic, "This, is SportsCenter." And thus SportsCenter's tagline/slogan/motto was born.

I still think that Olbermann and Patrick are The Big Show and I'm excited to see them team up together for Football Night on NBC.

But I must digress. This post wasn't supposed to be about two of my idols. It's supposed to be about me and what this thing we call a blog is going to be about.

It's going to be about sport...obviously. It's going to be my random thoughts about random instances in sport. You'll notice that, in the future, that I'll have a sort of West Coast bias. You must understand that is because I was born and raised on the West Coast. So if I don't talk about Yankees or the Sox, then boo-hoo. You can watch ESPN's Yankees/Sox Tonight staring Karl Ravech and John Kruk.

But to start, I love the Olympics and the next month or so will be dedicated to the Olympics in Beijing.

And I'll start with a daily post about quirky things you need to know about the 29th Olympiad. Okay, maybe they won't be so quirky, but at least they'll be interesting.

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